Use Case: Content Moderation

WebCategorize's content classification services are designed to help protect your online platform from harmful content and unwanted URLs. Our services are ideal for those who want to maintain a safe and secure platform for their users.

Block harmful content from your platform

We provide content classification for both text and rich content (HTML), ensuring that your platform adheres to your terms of service. With our help, you can block unwanted content, reclassify posts, and more, making it easier to keep your platform safe and compliant.

Our automated content classification system is perfect for those who want to scale up their moderation team. For example, we recently identified articles about buying illegal drugs on a popular blogging platform. Our services can help you identify and remove such content from your platform quickly and efficiently.

If you want to provide a safe and secure experience for your users, choose WebCategorize to help moderate content on your platform. With our expertise, you can ensure that your platform remains a trusted and reliable source of information for your users.

Block unwanted URLs

WebCategorize is a highly effective online service designed to assist you in verifying the conformity of any website or web page linked to by your users with your guidelines. With WebCategorize, you can effortlessly scrutinize the content of any URL submitted by your users and ensure that it adheres to your safety, appropriateness, and other essential standards.WebCategorize empowers you to provide a more secure and reliable browsing experience for your users while safeguarding your brand from any negative associations resulting from inappropriate or harmful content. With WebCategorize, you can confidently maintain a trustworthy online presence.

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